Building a Full Life

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What is available for young adults to do in their free time? Where can they meet friends? What if they want to join a club?

In this session you will learn about: Housing, transportation, and recreation options where you live.

When your son or daughter is in high school, life is scheduled. Transportation, school lessons and fun activities are all part of the package but when school ends, everything changes.

This change can mean either isolation or opportunity. While you are waiting for government support you can also use Jefferson County’s numerous community resources.


Like many youth, your son or daughter may decide to stay home while he or she explores jobs, hobbies and friendships. However, they may also consider living on their own. We provide resources to help you answer many important questions, such as: What would it take for your son or daughter to live on their own? and what support systems are available to them? Exploring our list of resources is the first step to finding your way.


While transportation has always been a challenge for people with disabilities, a new resource is making it easier to get around. The Denver Regional Mobility and Access Council is working to reduce barriers to mobility and access to transportation. This is a one-stop resource that can help you learn how to get around using different modes of transportations like local buses, access-a-Ride, Lakewood Rides, Call-n-Ride and more. Some cities have their own transportation services to serve those with disabilities. Check out our website for transportation resources.

Recreation and Leisure

Jefferson County offers numerous recreational opportunities for people of all levels of ability. These programs are invaluable for meeting others with similar interests and helping those with disabilities expand their social lives.

Here are some ideas to think about:

  • Adaptive Sports: cycling, water sports, skiing, horseback riding
  • Team Sports: Basketball, baseball, hockey, football, Special Olympics
  • Hobbies: arts, crafts, clubs, travel, hiking, and mini-golf
  • Volunteer Opportunities: Red Cross, animal shelters, national and city parks

You might need to plan some creative activities while a young adult is waiting for government services to become available or to augment what is already in place. Some ideas to explore include using extracurricular activities at school, scouting, art workshops, and learning about technologies that help with social connections.

Presentations and Handouts:

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This content was created by the Jeffco Transition Alliance Group (or TAG).  TAG was a collaboration among The Arc – Jefferson, Clear Creek & Gilpin Counties, the Developmental Disabilities Resource Center (DDRC) and Jeffco Public Schools. In partnership and with grant funding from DDRC, a series of family-focused trainings were delivered in past school years to equip students and their families in navigating a successful transition in their Life After High School. Due to family and community feedback the information was converted to self-guided learning.