Every year, The Arc-JCCGC holds Summit of Hope, our largest awareness building and fundraising event. We are thrilled to host this year's event for our community and the larger public, and we are eager to have sponsors by our side.

Our 2023 Summit of Hope has been amplified and uplifted. Continuing with a movie-premiere theme, we are excited to hold this year's event at Lakewood Cultural Center. We plan to engage our guests and provide our sponsors with marketing exposure at:


  • Two in-person events, lunch and evening, on September 27th with a program that includes videotaped stories, live speakers, and a panel discussion, along with an opportunity of networking and connection. Events will be promoted within our community and the general public. Estimated total in-person attendance is 400-600
  • Exposure in event marketing through direct mail, online, and social media channels from July-September
  • Exclusive opportunities for brand exposure outside of the program including around concessions and guest favors 

Click here for more information about sponsorship levels.

Contact Veronica Wernsman at veronica@arcjc.org or 303-232-1338 if you would like to learn about the various levels of sponsorship available to you.