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Week One Action Items

Don’t Be Afraid to Smile and Say Hi!

Most friendships have one thing in common – they start with an individual having the courage to smile and say “hi” to someone new.

To view a heartwarming video illustrating a courageous hello, click here.

Learn More About People First Language and Identity First Language

Some people like People First Language. Others prefer Identity First Language. Many choose a combination of both. This is solely a personal decision and individual’s experiences often determine which they prefer.

The Power of Words: The Arc US’s statement on language

From the CDC: Communicating With and About People with Disabilities

Disability Scoop article: ‘Autistic’ Or ‘Person With Autism’? It Depends.

Extensive information from The American Psychological Association about Inclusive language guidelines

Which do you prefer, People First Language or Identity First Language? Share your thoughts by emailing

Read About Current Legislation. Call Representatives.

Learning about current legislation and being active in important political issues helps individuals ensure that their voices are heard by the government.

Explore the current issues that The Arc is focusing on in our fight for the civil rights of people with disabilities by clicking here.

To learn more about the Colorado Legislature, including who your representatives are, click here.

Learning About the Benefits of Employing People with IDD

They are extraordinary problem solvers

Their well-defined skills are of great benefit

They are often loyal employees

When the focus shifts from disability to ability, everyone benefits

Check out this video about the advantages of hiring a person with IDD: The Arc US: Say Yes!

If you sometimes park “just for a minute” in an accessible parking spot—don’t!

Parking in marked handicapped spots without a placard is illegal and it takes mobility and freedom away from individuals who really need the parking spot. See examples why not to park illegally in handicapped parking spots in the video links below.

This and this are never ok.

Attend People First

Attend People First and invite others to join either in person or virtually. This group meets monthly to gain self-advocacy skills and for social events. People First is a local chapter of the national organization Speaking For Ourselves.

For more information, click here.

Thank You To Our Transformative Partner FirstBank!

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