Wayla and Cynda Murrow
The Murrows' journey into the world of disability started when it became evident that Cynda wasn’t meeting traditional development milestones like walking and talking. Wayla and her husband, Sid, looked for answers, and eventually it was discovered that Cynda has a chromosomal irregularity. At the time, no one could tell Wayla and Sid what this would mean for their beloved daughter’s future. Fortunately, Wayla soon heard about The Arc and she attended a training that armed her with information and tools to advocate for Cynda. Through the training, she was also supported through the process of grieving the loss of the dreams she had for her child and her family, and she could began to have new dreams.
As time went on, Wayla found that she still needed help during Cynda’s school years, and she contacted The Arc for educational advocacy. Wayla also attended our chapter’s Training for Transition that would help the family learn what Cynda's options would be for her life after she graduated from high school. Today, Cynda is an active, lively, and competent adult in her 20s. She has learned to take the bus and use ride-sharing apps so that she can get to work and meet up with friends. One of her greatest achievements is that she works as a cashier at Walgreens--a job she loves and has had for six years. Cynda hopes to one day move out of her parents' house and live on her own or with a roommate, an achievement that her parents never would have imagined 15 years ago.