CCB - Adult Wait Lists

There are 20 Community Center Boards (CCB) in the State of Colorado. CCBs are local agencies contracted through the State Office for Developmental Disability Services. CCBs determine whether a person has a developmental disability and is eligible for CCB-funded services under Colorado’s definition. The CCB for Jefferson, Clear Creek, Gilpin, and Summit counties is Developmental Disabilities Resource Center (DDRC).

Colorado has a waiting list for people who qualify to receive services under the Medicaid Waiver programs, so if you have not already done so, contact DDRC to find out if your child is eligible for Supported Living Services (SLS) and Residential Comprehensive Services (HCBS-DD). Even though adult services begin at age 18, an individual may have their name placed on the wait list for adult at age 14. Make sure to ask your DDRC representative what might be available for your current situation.

For eligibility information and to apply for services:

Learn more here: Long Term Care Options